Hip, hip Hooray! Time for a party blog post because March 6 was a wonderful day: Vera celebrated her 2nd birthday!
What an incredible day it was, not in the least because during the past two years we sometimes wondered whether this day would ever come. And we also wondered how Vera (and we) would be doing.
But here we are, happy and blessed. Vera is home (not in the hospital), her health is fairly stable and she is as cheerful as can be.
The birthday girl was enjoying herself noticeably and was delighted with her presents.
Her favorite gift proved to be the Rollipop Ball Drop Set, with large balls that roll on a track. The balls roll slowly so she can follow the balls well with her eyes and grab them off the track again; a development that is important and gives her challenge in her play. Very fun to watch and big sister Mieke likes to join in also!
- Met zus Mieke spelen met nieuwe ballenbaan
- Vera heeft het naar haar zin op verjaardag
- Vera krijgt haar taartje
- Vera tussen de visite